مجموعة العناية اليومية بالبشرة

Dhs. 190.00

Benefits of Gencell

  • Helps maintain skin hydration and smoothness.
  • Helps minimize the symptoms of skin aging.
  • Supports collagen synthesis & helps maintain skin rejuvenation and integrity.
  • Helps restore hair health by reducing split ends and thinness of hair.
  • Helps promote stronger joints and bones.
  • Helps increase antioxidant action.
  • Supports healthy nails.

Benefits of Biotin Plus

  • Helps in better growth of hair and nails.
  • Supports a healthy and moisturized skin.
  • Helps in boosting body’s energy.
Dhs. 190.00




  • جينسيل عبارة عن مزيج من الكولاجين الفائق من النوع 1 و3 بالإضافة إلى فيتامين سي والبيوتين لدعم شباب البشرة وقوة الشعر والأظافر اللامعة. يساعد على تقليل أعراض شيخوخة الجلد والحفاظ على قوة العظام والمفاصل.
  • الكولاجين هو البروتين الأكثر وفرة في الجسم. يستخدم تركيبه الشبيه بالألياف في صنع الأنسجة الضامة وهو مكون رئيسي للعظام والجلد والعضلات والأوتار والغضاريف. يساعد في الحفاظ على نعومة البشرة وسلامتها من خلال الحفاظ على مستوى الترطيب في خلايا الجلد.
  • يساعد فيتامين سي على تعزيز إنتاج الكولاجين لجعل البشرة تبدو صحية ونضرة وشابة. يساعد البيوتين على تقوية الشعر وجعله أقوى وأكثر سمكًا وأطول. كما يلعب دورًا مهمًا في تعزيز طاقة الجسم من خلال تنظيم عملية التمثيل الغذائي للدهون والبروتينات.

الاتجاهات :
تناول (2-4) أقراص يوميًا على معدة فارغة قبل تناول الطعام بـ 30 دقيقة على الأقل أو حسب توجيهات أخصائي الرعاية الصحية. لا تتجاوز الجرعة اليومية الموصى بها.

البيوتين بلس

  • Biotin Plus من Nutrifactor هو مزيج من البيوتين وحمض الفوليك؛ وكلاهما من فيتامينات B الأساسية التي تساعد في تنظيم أنظمة الجسم لاستعادة الصحة الطبيعية.
  • يساعد على استعادة صحة الشعر وتقليل تقصف الشعر وتساقطه، كما يدعم صحة الأظافر وقوتها.
  • يساعد البيوتين في تركيب الكيراتين، وهو بروتين مهم لنمو الشعر والأظافر.
  • كما أنه يلعب دورًا مهمًا في تعزيز طاقة الجسم من خلال تنظيم عملية التمثيل الغذائي للدهون والأحماض الأمينية.
  • يساعد في الحفاظ على ملمس بشرة أكثر صحة عن طريق تقليل جفافها وبهتانها.


تناول قرصًا واحدًا (1) يوميًا مع الماء، ويفضل بعد تناول الطعام أو حسب توجيهات أخصائي الرعاية الصحية. لا تتجاوز الجرعة اليومية الموصى بها.

Customer Reviews

Based on 19 reviews
Maryem Imran
Healthy Skin

Amazing product.. Highly recommend to everyone, it really works.. I give two thumbs up 👍👍

Aamir Sohail
Behtarin supplements

I am using their biotin since 2021

Very beneficial supplement

Its very effective and helpful for those who are working women,,i am feeling myself fresh and active while using gencel,,

Duaa Hashim

Received my skincare bundle excited to use it

Fazila Ehtisham
Loved these

It will be my favorite foreever. Like amazing results only in few months, quite happy and satisfied. Thought to put on a feedback before ordering my bundle again 😇😍

نيوترفاكتور ثقة العملاء مبنية على جهودنا لإنشاء وصياغة منتجات عالية الجودة والتصنيع بنفس معايير الجودة المتسقة. إن موظفينا في ضمان الجودة والتصنيع والتعبئة والتغليف والتوزيع وإدارة المرافق مطالبون جميعًا بالوفاء بمعايير ممارسات التصنيع الجيدة الحالية (GMP).

Biotin Plus FAQ:

Is there any side effect of Nutrifactor’s Biotin Plus?
No side effects have been reported yet from using Nutrifactor’s Biotin Plus. Please do not use more than the daily recommended dose.

Can I use it with other medicines?
Do not use with medicine prescribed for seizures, Folic acid can reduce their effectiveness. Always consult with a healthcare professional before use.

Can I get Biotin from any food?
Yes, you can. Vegetables such as cauliflower, carrots; nuts such as almonds; fruits like bananas and poultry products like eggs and chicken.

How to take it?
Take one (1) tablet daily with water preferably after the meal or as directed by a healthcare professional. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

Who can take it?
Adults and elderly people can take this nutraceutical product.

Is it safe for pregnant or lactating women?
With regard to pregnancy, breastfeeding or any serious condition a healthcare professional can advise. It is always suggested to seek the advice of a healthcare professional before taking any nutraceutical product.

What is Folic acid and it’s role in Nutrifactor’s Biotin Plus?
Folic acid is also known as Vitamin B9 which plays an important role in healthy cell growth. It helps to enhance the action of Biotin by maintaining healthy cell growth of hair, skin and nails.

In how much time I will start getting results??
You will start getting results within 1-2 months’ use. Results may vary from person to person, so it would be better to continue until you get your desired results.

What is silica gel, why is it added in products?

Silica gel is a porous form of silicon dioxide (SiO₂) used as a desiccant to absorb moisture and keep products dry and fresh. It’s added to tablets and capsules to:

Maintain Stability: Prevents degradation of active ingredients due to moisture.

Extend Shelf Life: Controls humidity to ensure medications remain effective longer.

Prevent Mold and Bacteria: Reduces moisture to inhibit growth that could compromise quality. Additionally, to check the authenticity of Nutrifactor's products, you can check customized silica gel pouches, which are white with orange "Nutrifactor" branding, in tablets and capsules. These pouches help protect products from moisture, ensuring optimal quality and efficacy.

Is it registered?
Our all products are registered by the Dubai Government and manufactured under Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMPs), ensuring that they are manufactured to high standards of Potency, Purity, Efficacy, and Safety.

Gencell FAQ:

What do you mean by hydrolyzed collagen?
Hydrolyzed collagen, also known as collagen peptide or collagen hydrolysate, is a type of collagen that can be easily absorbed into the bloodstream when it's used as a nutraceutical product.

What is collagen?
Collagen is a compound found in skin and connective tissues which makes up tendons, ligaments and muscles. It’s the most abundant protein in the body. Over time, aging breaks down the collagen in the body and slows down its production. Collagen helps maintain structure of the skin and fortify the bones. Collagen plays a major role in improving skin health by providing elasticity and retaining moisture.

How to take it?
Take (2-4) tablets daily on an empty stomach at least 30 minutes before meal or as directed by a healthcare professional. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

Who can take it?
Adults and elderly people can take this nutraceutical product who have problems like fine lines, wrinkles, aging skin, hair fall, thin and dry hair, brittle nails or joint problems.

In how much time I will start getting results?
You will start getting results within 2-3 months’ use. Results may vary person to person, it would be better if you continue until you get your desired results.

Are there any side effects of Nutrifactor’s Gencell?
Nutrifactor’s Gencell is generally safe to use in recommended dosage. It may cause diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps/pain, bad taste or heartburn in some people. Do not exceed the recommended daily dosage.

Can I use it with other medicines?
Usually, nutraceutical products are safe to use, but if you are currently taking prescribed medicines, it is always advised to consult with a healthcare professional before using any nutraceutical product with other medicines.

Is it safe for pregnant or lactating women?
With regard to pregnancy, breastfeeding or any serious condition a healthcare professional can advise. It is always suggested to seek the advice of a healthcare professional before taking any nutraceutical product.

What is silica gel, why is it added in products?

Silica gel is a porous form of silicon dioxide (SiO₂) used as a desiccant to absorb moisture and keep products dry and fresh. It’s added to tablets and capsules to:

Maintain Stability: Prevents degradation of active ingredients due to moisture.

Extend Shelf Life: Controls humidity to ensure medications remain effective longer.

Prevent Mold and Bacteria: Reduces moisture to inhibit growth that could compromise quality. Additionally, to check the authenticity of Nutrifactor's products, you can check customized silica gel pouches, which are white with orange "Nutrifactor" branding, in tablets and capsules. These pouches help protect products from moisture, ensuring optimal quality and efficacy.

Is it registered?
Our all products are registered by the Dubai Government and manufactured under Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMPs), ensuring that they are manufactured to high standards of Potency, Purity, Efficacy, and Safety.

مجموعة العناية اليومية بالبشرة
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