فيتاماكس للرجال - 20 فيتامين ومعادن مهمة

Dhs. 75.00


  • With 19 micronutrients, support men’s overall health.
  • Supports reproductive health.
  • Supports healthy male fertility with key nutrients.
  • Supports bone & muscle functions to maintain strong bones & muscles.
  • Supports heart health and support energy levels and reduce weakness.



  • يوفر منتج Vitamax One A Day Multi أكثر من 20 فيتامين ومعادن مهمة لسد الثغرات الغذائية المحددة في صحة الرجال.
  • كما أنه يحتوي على الزنك والسيلينيوم، اللذين يساعدان في الحفاظ على الصحة الإنجابية والخصوبة الطبيعية وإنتاج الحيوانات المنوية. كما أنه يوفر دعمًا مضادًا للأكسدة للحمض النووي للحيوانات المنوية.
  • إنها تركيبة يومية فريدة ومتفوقة تدعم الطاقة والمناعة وصحة القلب وصحة الدماغ والعينين والتمثيل الغذائي ووظيفة العضلات.
  • مناسب جدًا للرجال الذين يعانون من نقص التغذية، والخمول الشائع، والتعب، وفقدان الشهية وضعف العضلات، والحفاظ على الصحة العامة.


للرجال فقط، تناول قرص واحد يوميًا كمكمل غذائي مع الماء ويفضل بعد الوجبة.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Celbina Sacdalan
Best for daily use

I am a doctor and due to my hectic routine, I started feeling dizzy and weak. I found this supplement on Facebook and checked the ingredients of this Vitamax Men and found it really effective. I have used this supplement and it helped me to overcome my weakness. I will order it again.

Lissette Cabrera
Work for me!

I have been using this vitamin for 5 months now. My diet is not the best, I am on the go a lot.. I feel good with plenty of energy. Works for me and I like the vitamins it contains.

Shahul Hameed
seems to work great😇

I'm a university professor, due to my tough life routine, I feel very lazy all the day and got tired easily , one of my friend recommended me Nutrifactor`s Vitamax One A Day Multi . Believe me, after taking it for just 1 week, all of my tiredness was gone and now I have made it a regular part of my life.

Ali Abu yousaf
منتج رائع

منتج رائع

seems to work great😇

I always inspried with balanced diet concept and to stay active each day.but from few months after getting a desk bound job and staying away from my home i felt like I am getting away from healthy living and drowning towards bad foody habits. like no fruits daily, often skiping meals and almost no gym was becoming my habit due to being busing. this made me frustrated.
on last weekend of month august I finally started my search for some substitute for this. Literally i want to expose that I finally find this, along with an online coach to guide me in indoor routin exercises.
I am feeling active enrgetic and healthy only by adding this supplement and some activity to my daily tasks only within 4-5 weeks. Done with my first bottle so ordering it again😇

نيوترفاكتور ثقة العملاء مبنية على جهودنا لإنشاء وصياغة منتجات عالية الجودة والتصنيع بنفس معايير الجودة المتسقة. إن موظفينا في ضمان الجودة والتصنيع والتعبئة والتغليف والتوزيع وإدارة المرافق مطالبون جميعًا بالوفاء بمعايير ممارسات التصنيع الجيدة الحالية (GMP).

How to take it?
Take 1 tablet daily as a food supplement with water, preferably after the meal. Do not exceed from the daily recommended dose.

Who can take it?
Only adult men can take this supplement.

In how much time I will start getting results?
You will start getting results within 2-3 months’ use. Results may vary from person to person, so it would be better to continue until you get your desired results.

Can I use it with other medicines?
Usually, food supplements are safe to use, but it is always advised to consult with a healthcare professional before using any food supplement with other medicines.

Is there any side effect of Vevacare's Vitamax?
No side effects of Vitamax have been reported yet. Kindly do not exceed from the recommended daily dose.

فيتاماكس للرجال - 20 فيتامين ومعادن مهمة
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